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时间:2016-12-16   来源:博达软件    阅读:
                彭凯 副教授

   毕业院校:北京邮电大学/The University of British Columbia









20178——20188月国家公派加拿大The University of British Columbia,师从Victor C. M. Leung教授(IEEE Life Fellow、加拿大皇家科学院院士、加拿大工程院院士、加拿大工程研究院院士)从事访学研究。20147月毕业于北京邮电大学网络与交换技术国家重点实验室,师从杨放春教授(国家杰出青年,教育部跨世纪优秀人才、全国高等学校优秀骨干教师),获计算机科学与技术专业博士学位。同年进入6163银河net163am物联网工程系工作,先后主持银河6163官方网站高层次引进人才项目1项、泉州市科技计划项目2项、福建省教育厅中青年教育科研项目1项、福建省自然科学基金青年创新项目1项、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金1项、银河6163官方网站中青年教团队助计划项目1项、银河6163官方网站银河6163官方网站校级公司产品改革1项。承担本科生和研究生多门核心课程的讲授(计算机网络、高级计算机网络等课程)。

主要从事移动边缘计算、智慧城市、智能算法优化、强化学习等方向研究。已在国内外会议和期刊发表(SCI检索、EI检索)论文30余篇,ESI高被引论文2篇。担任TIFSIOTJournalTOITTIITITSTVTTNSETNNLSComputers and Electronics in AgricultureAd Hoc Networks CCPEChina CommunicationFGCSJNCAIEEE Communications Letters 等国际 SCI 期刊审稿人,担任 CPSCom 2018-2021ICMU 2018CollaborateCom 2018-2021IEEE WCNC 2019CPSCOM 2019Cloudcomp 2019ISPA 2019ML4CS 2020IOIoT 2020HPCC 2021Cloudcomp 2021Chinacom 2021Smartcity 2021ICA3PP 2020-2021ICC 2021- 2022Globecom 2021-2022、中国业务流程管理大会2022(主题论坛主席)等多个国际会议的TPC,获批软件著作权4项。






[1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:面向无线城域网的Cloudlet资源调度方法研究,2020.1-2022.12,主持

[2] 中央高校基本科研项目:边缘计算环境计算迁移关键技术研究,2020.5-2024.4, 主持

[3] 泉州市科技计划项目,边云协同计算迁移方法研究及其在智慧城市中应用,2020.6-2023.6,主持

[4] 福建省自然科学基金青年创新项目:移动云计算任务调度与迁移问题研究,2018.4-2021.4,主持

[5] 中国科学院信息工程研究所委托开发项目:网络探测识别模块定制项目,2021.9-2022.9,主持。

[6] 福建省中青年教育科研项目:互联网+”环境下物联网工程专业人才培养模式研究,2016.8—2017.8,主持

[7] 泉州市科技计划项目:基于大数据入侵检测系统关键技术研究,2015.6-2018.6,主持

[8] 银河6163官方网站高层次引进人才项目:无线传感器网络节能调度机制研究 2014.11-2017.11,主持

[9] 银河6163官方网站2021年教师教学发展改革项目:新工科背景下物联网工程专业人才实践能力培养举措探索,2021.11-2023.11,主持


[1]Kai Peng, Hualong Huang, Bohai Zhao, Alireza Jolfaei, Xiaolong Xu, and Muhammad Bilal, Intelligent computation offloading and resource allocation in IIOT with end-edge-cloud computing using NSGA-III, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2022. doi: 10.1109/TNSE.2022.3155490.JCR Q1

[2]Kai Peng, Bohai Zhao, Muhammad Bilal; Xiaolong Xu, Reliability-Aware Computation Offloading for Delay-Sensitive, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking.2022.DOI: 10.1109/TGCN.2022.3162584.

[3]Kai Peng, Bohai Zhao, Kai Peng, Muhammad Bilal, Xiaolong Xu, and Anand Nayyar, QoS-Aware Cloud-Edge Collaborative Micro-Service Scheduling in IIoT, Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 2022. JCR Q1

[4]Kai Peng, Hualong Huang, Shaohua Wan, & Victor Leung (2020). End-edge-cloud collaborative computation offloading for multiple mobile users in heterogeneous edge-server environment. Wireless Networks, 1-12.CCF C期刊

[5]Kai Peng, Victor Leung, Xiaolong Xu, Lixin Zheng, Jiabin Wang & Qingjia Huang. A Survey on Mobile Edge Computing: Focusing on Service Adoption and Provision. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018, 2018:1-16. CCF C期刊

[6]Kai Peng, Victor Leung, Lixin Zheng, Shangguang Wang, Chao Huang, & Tao Lin. Intrusion detection system based on decision tree over big data in fog environment. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018, 2018:1-10. CCF C期刊

[7]Kai Peng, Peichen Liu, Peng Tao & Qingjia Huang. (2021). Security-Aware computation offloading for Mobile edge computing-Enabled smart city. Journal of Cloud Computing, 10(1), 1-13. JCR Q2

[8]Kai Peng, Maosheng Zhu, Yiwen Zhang, Lingxia Liu, Jie Zhang, Victor Leung & Lixin Zheng (2019). An energy-and cost-aware computation offloading method for workflow applications in mobile edge computing. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2019(1), 1-15.

[9]Kai Peng, Hualong Huang, Wenjie Pan, & Jiabin Wang (2020). Joint optimization for time consumption and energy consumption of multi-application and load balancing of cloudlets in mobile edge computing. IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications, 5(2), 196-206.

[10]Kai Peng, Rongheng Lin, Binbin Huang, Hua Zou, & Fangchun Yang. Link importance evaluation of data center network based on maximum flow. Journal of Internet Technology, 2017, 18(1): 23-31.

[11]Hualong Huang, Kai Peng*, & Peichen Liu. (2021, September). A Privacy-aware Stackelberg Game Approach for Joint Pricing, Investment, Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation in MEC-enabled Smart Cities. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS) (pp. 651-656). IEEE Computer Society. CCF B 会议

[12]Hualong Huang, Kai Peng*, & Xiaolong Xu. (2020, October). Collaborative Computation Offloading for Smart Cities in Mobile Edge Computing. In 2020 IEEE 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD) (pp. 176-183). IEEE. CCF C会议

[13]Hualong Huang, Kai Peng *, & Xiaolong Xu. (2020, December). Profit-driven Computation Offloading for Mobile Edge Computing in Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks. In 2020 IEEE 22nd International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) (pp. 336-343). IEEE. CCF C会议

[14]Kai Peng, Yiwen Zhang, Xiaolong Xu, Xiaofei Wang, Xiuhua Li, Victor Leung. Computation offloading in Mobile Edge Computing, Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks (Editor: Sherman Shen, Xiaodong Lin and Kuan Zhang), 2019. Invited Chapter

[15]Xiaolong Xu, Qingxiang Liu, Yun Luo, Kai Peng, Xuyun Zhang, Shunmei Meng, & Lianyong Qi. A computation offloading method over big data for IoT-enabled cloud-edge computing. Future Generation Computer Systems, 95, 522-533.JCR Q1,ESI高被引、热引

[16]Xiaolong Xu, Yuancheng Li, Tao Huang, Yuan Xue, Kai Peng, Lianyong Qi & Wanchun Dou. (2019). An energy-aware computation offloading method for smart edge computing in wireless metropolitan area networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 133, 75-85.JCR Q1,ESI高被引、热引


[1] 彭凯,赵博海,张浩祺.面向边缘环境复杂任务的多目标优化计算迁移软件V1.0. 2020SR1244150.

[2] 彭凯,张浩祺,赵博海,刘艺珊 面向智慧城市工作流应用计算迁移软件V1.0,2021SR1338743,2021.

[3] 朱茂盛,彭凯,刘凌霞,移动边缘计算环境工作流应用计算迁移软件V1.0. 2019SR0639321.

[4] 赵博海,彭凯,钱兴达, 面向移动边缘环境混合工作流应用计算迁移软件V1.0. 2019SR1187995.











(8)2019 Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication & Applied Technologies Invited Speaker